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Appeal Hearings Information
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) provides the Home Care Bill of Rights to inform clients receiving home care services of their entitlements. This document ensures that clients are aware of their rights to receive respectful, appropriate, and quality care in their homes.
Key Rights Include:
Respectful Treatment: Clients have the right to considerate and respectful care, recognizing their dignity and individuality.
Information about Services: Clients are entitled to receive clear and complete information about the services provided, including the disciplines that will furnish care and the frequency of visits.
Participation in Planning: Clients have the right to be involved in the planning, evaluation, and revision of their care plan.
Confidentiality: Clients' personal, financial, and medical information must be kept private and confidential.
Grievance Procedure: Clients can voice grievances regarding treatment or care that is (or fails to be) provided and must be informed of the process to do so without fear of discrimination or reprisal.
Refusal of Services: Clients have the right to refuse services or treatment, to the extent permitted by law, and to be informed of the consequences of such refusal.
Financial Information: Clients are entitled to be informed of the charges for services, including what services are covered by insurance and what services may be out-of-pocket expenses.
These rights are designed to protect clients and ensure they receive high-quality home care services. Providers are obligated to inform clients of these rights and uphold them throughout the care process.
For a comprehensive list of rights and detailed information, please refer to the official DHS document:
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