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Minnesota Universal Health Care Coalition
Since 2002, Minnesota has created eight regional Health Care Coalitions (HCCs) defined by geographical boundaries. Each HCC has multidisciplinary partners—including hospitals, emergency medical services, emergency management, and public health agencies—responsible for ensuring that health care services are minimally impacted during emergencies or planned events. They provide stability and redundancy of preparedness and response services within their communities by addressing resource requests, leading and engaging in information sharing, and coordinating incidents or events.
Key Components:
Regional Health Care Preparedness Coordinators (RHPCs): Each HCC is led by an RHPC and an established advisory committee. Although they function and are governed independently, they collaborate inter-regionally across the state for planning and response purposes.
Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP): Focused on health care facility recovery planning, COOP provides tools and resources to support health care and long-term care facilities in developing and maintaining their operations during emergencies.
Inter-Coalition Communications Guidance: A communication framework for all eight Minnesota Health Care Coalitions to implement when resources exceed capacity or an incident exceeds HCC boundaries.
Additional Resources:
MNTrac Overview: A web-based system for tracking health care system bed availability across Minnesota.
ASPR – Hospital Preparedness Program: Provides resources and support for hospital preparedness.
ASPR TRACIE: A technical resources, assistance center, and information exchange platform for health care emergency preparedness.
For more information on how to connect with your HCC leaders, please reference the Regional Health Care Preparedness Coordinators.
These coalitions play a crucial role in enhancing Minnesota's health care system's resilience and preparedness for emergencies, ensuring coordinated and effective responses across the state.
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