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Responsible Party (PCA) and Participant’s Representative (CFSS)​

The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) outlines the roles of individuals who direct care on behalf of persons receiving services under two programs: Personal Care Assistance (PCA) and Community First Services and Supports (CFSS). In PCA, this individual is termed the Responsible Party (RP), while in CFSS, they are referred to as the Participant's Representative. The DHS is transitioning from PCA to CFSS to enhance service delivery.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Participation:

    • Actively engage in planning and directing the recipient's services.

    • Assist in making informed choices about service options.

    • Request modifications to the service delivery plan as needed.

    • Sign necessary documentation, including worker time and activity records.

  • Monitoring:

    • Be available during service delivery through agreed communication methods.

    • Ensure services are provided according to the service delivery plan.

    • Communicate effectively with providers and workers.

    • Review and approve workers' documentation of time worked.

  • Health and Safety:

    • Collaborate with qualified professionals or consultation service providers to develop the service delivery plan.

    • Assess whether current services meet the recipient's health and safety needs and determine if adjustments are necessary.

Eligibility and Limitations:

An RP or Participant's Representative is required if the recipient is:

  • A minor.

  • An incapacitated adult with a court-appointed guardian.

  • Assessed as unable to direct their own care.

The RP/Representative must be at least 18 years old and capable of directing care. Certain individuals are prohibited from serving in this role, including:

  • The PCA/CFSS worker.

  • Provider agency owners or managers.

  • Provider agency staff members, unless related by blood, marriage, or adoption.

  • Lead agency staff members or contractors acting as employees.

For a comprehensive list of limitations and detailed responsibilities, please refer to the official DHS page linked above.

This framework ensures that individuals who are unable to direct their own care receive appropriate support and advocacy through designated representatives, thereby maintaining the quality and integrity of care services.

🔗 Participant's Representative in CFSS and Responsible Party in PCA


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